Scarlet Pleasure throws summer a lifeline in “SOS” [Video]
Scarlet Pleasure is picking up the slack for the upcoming summer with “SOS,” the type of pop single that fuels any heat-induced fantasies. In between the groovy rhythm and distinctive vocal inflections of the track, the collective joyous spirit of the trio creates with a freedom that seems rare nowadays in music. Should you let it, “SOS” can be defiance of current pop trends or a tasteful addition to the landscape, the possibilities of interpretation are many.
Scarlet Pleasure is just revving up the engine of its upcoming record Garden, but the sound of it is already clear and firing its funk on all cylinders, showcasing the trio’s rich blend of R&B and pop glazed with a sweet late 90’s colorful eccentricity in aesthetic. Emil Goll (vocals/guitar), Alexander Malone (bass), and Joachim Dencker (drums) see the upcoming record and its debut single as follows: “Working on the album ‘Garden’ resembles stepping into a bubble or a secret garden, that serves as a microcosm of the lives, friendship and creativity of the three band members.”
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The world that Scarlet Pleasure is shaping is quite habitable and its hospitality sure seems to be sorely needed now as this summer shapes to be a hot one. What “SOS” is offering is a lifeline to a world where our festive summer didn’t leave us, our emotions did not boil over, and uncertainty never found its way into our lives—if only for about three and a half minutes, it seems that way.
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