Rachel Eckroth and Sy Smith craft what seems to be the “Perfect Love” [Video]
“Perfect Love” is the culmination of an ongoing collaboration between producer/songwriter Rachel Eckroth and vocalist Sy Smith. Like the title, the track itself is a thrilling piece that is made up of ethereal synth arrangements, atmospheric pads while Smith ramps it up with her sublime honeyed vocals. She takes the listener on an epic journey of love in it’s purest state and pours all her deepest emotions on wax. The chemistry between the duo gets more obvious as the song progresses and hits the climax with Smith’s explosive chorus and Eckroth’s sparkling keys.
For the coordinating video, Eckroth and Smith team up with director Tatch Taboada who goes for a vintage aesthetic. Smith plays the central character in this psychedelic effect driven video filled with bright digital landscapes and motifs that blur into each other. Taboada also decorates his frames with signifiers of romance: white horses, vibrant blossoming flowers, sunsets. It’s a perfect visual representation of the rapturous music of Eckroth and Smith, and the intoxicating chemistry they create. “Perfect Love” is more than perfect and it’s strictly for the grown and sexy only.
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Connect with Rachel Eckroth: Soundcloud | Facebook | Twitter |Website | Instagram
Connect with Sy Smith: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Website