Quail P releases new song and video “Lost Emotion” [Video]
Coming shortly after being one of the few features on Dee Watkins‘ Problem Child 2 project, Quail P is back with his first song since deleting much of his discography from his profile. Produced by SephGotTheWaves, “Lost Emotion” is a melodic rap track that will immediately make listeners a fan of the rising artist.
While some artists twist words, Quail P twists melodies while still bringing honest emotions to life through his bold lyricism. Backed by a strong bass and electric guitar, “Lost Emotion” bridges the gap between Quail P’s versatile singing and rapping capabilities. He draws out deeper emotion through vivid descriptions of his life as shares true moments of broken trust and broken hearts which both have lead to the concept of the track’s title. This feeling, or lack thereof, is evidently a numbness to any negative emotion that comes from others burning bridges with Quail P. He doesn’t explicitly say what it means to have “lost emotion,” but instead leads the listener to figure it out on their own through masterfully delivered anecdotes about his life.
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