Purported Clip of Drake’s “Marvins Room” Blasted at Earth-Shaking Volume Has Everyone Reflecting on Heartbreak
He’s just saying you could do better.
Concerning footage appears to show the car alarm-triggering results of someone listening to Drake’s 2011 sadboy classic “Marvins Room” at a downright emotional volume.
The Take Care single is known for its heart-very-much-on-its-sleeve lyrics, which feature the track’s narrator drunk-dialing a former girlfriend. Amid the depicted call, Drake taunts the ex-girlfriend in the story by theorizing that she’s thinking “about the times we had,” despite having moved on to a new relationship.
“Someone playing Marvins Room so loudly that it is shaking the building and setting off car alarms,” Twitter user @SMOOCHONTHELIPS said when sharing the purported video. “Praying for this man.”