PONTIAC cuts through the noise in new track and video “Razor”
In his Point Records debut, PONTIAC shows off his experimental side with “Razor.” This is the first single in a series leading up to an EP due out later this year entitled, Deathtrap.
The first noticeable thing is hammering bass in the entirely self produced instrumental. While it starts off slow with a subdued verse, a chant of “switch it up” marks the flip in the entirely drum filled beat. Different flows and vocals follow to serve as a showcase of things to come. None more unexpected than the outro featuring a lo fi pop sound that hints toward the next single in the series. The video for this song chronicles the moments of Pontiac ordering and receiving his first grill. A real coming of age story for a rising hip-hop artist. As PONTIAC continues to grow and experiment he looks to combine sounds of punk, trap and hip-hop to create his own lane.
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Connect to PONTIAC: Website | Instagram | Soundcloud