Nicki Minaj Says She ‘Was Able to Ground’ Herself When Prescribed Percocet, Says It Became ‘Addictive’
“No one told me that this was a narcotic and this was addictive,” she continued. “Luckily I was able to ground myself. But—once an addict, always an addict. I feel like if you’ve ever experienced addiction to anything, which I have, you always have to think twice and three times about the choices that you make.”
Minaj thinks that famous people are especially susceptible to substance abuse since they live in the public eye.
“Look at some of our biggest celebrities. They eventually either get laughed out of wanting to go outside anymore, like Michael Jackson, or criticized, like Whitney Houston, or they fight silent battles, like Prince. These are some of the greatest of all time. And one day they decided, ‘You know what? I’d rather self-medicate and be in my own world,’” she said, adding, “Should you keep on doing interviews and pouring out your heart so people can laugh? No.”