Niambi Ra and Le’Asha’s “Flowers” is black girl magic on wax [Video]
Muli-faceted act Niambi Ra and emcee Le’Asha dive into self-growth and positive affirmation on this collaborative single titled “Flowers.” The soulful record exemplifies all things black and the strength of feminity in an unapologetic manner.
The soul-lifting record is a true showing of Niambi Ra’s skillset that threads sultry melodic runs and fiery rapping over a dreamy jazzy beat. From the jump, she draws the listener in with her harmonic inspiring lyrics like “…the queen of heaven is the golden sunshine/Illumination starts from the inside, that’s right…” before switching it up for the good measure. Her love for hip-hop is undoubtedly prevalent here and with lines like “…I create worlds when the air hits my lips/when I formulate my words I utilize my gifts/I got the power to make anything exist…” she paints quite a vivid picture of inner strength and that good old black girl magic. Le’Asha’ is not far off and brings her own gruff style to the forefront laced with positive elements.
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The visuals have a feel-good, summery vibe peppered with colorful and a whole lot of motifs relating to blackness. The outside shots remind me of early ATCQ and Arrested Development videos. Free of gimmicks and glitz, we also get to see a Black Panther-esque image of Nimabi Ra and Le’Asha on the iconic wicker throne. The outfits are solid too and reflect the black radiant energy emanating from the duo’s chemistry. “Flowers” is a healthy dose of black girl magic and we are here for every drop of it.
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