Natalie Carr touches on measuring up to standards in her new single, “Sad Little Rant”
Natalie Carr is a pop artist out of North Carolina and recently the Charlotte native dropped her new single, “Sad Little Rant”, a song about being depressed and directionless in life, touching on the feelings that come with not measuring up to life’s expectations.
Following on from the release of Carr’s “Used” earlier in 2020, she uses her latest single as a platform to dive deeper into self-reflection on mental health and the results of unrealistic expectations set upon today’s youth. En lieu of an overarching concept, Carr uses the song to showcase her diverse, sonically soothing vocals and lyrical prowess as a young songwriter, with lyrics such as “I can’t buy another Adderall to keep me awake”, “I’m fading away, yeah, fading away” and “failure is just an option now”, to drive the story forward. All this presides over an underlying of slow burning pop instrumentals—clicks and precisely placed digital drum beats—to encompass the world Carr has built to tell her story.
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Carr has created an aesthetically pleasing single that both audibly and visually that showcases her yet-to-be fully tuned talent.
Connect with Natalie Carr: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram