MATTE BLVCK deliver their transformative new visuals for single “Bare”
MATTE BLVCK is a dark synth trio that exudes ominous vibes with their mechanical style of music. Their new single “Bare” is a spine-chilling track with pulsating arrangements and deep, haunting vocals. Examining our inner demons and the power they possess over us, the song illustrates the two paths we can take. As human beings we can either succumb to the evil inside us, or fight against that urge to become better versions of ourselves. The minimalistic visuals created by Lake Hills and Alex Casillas, display a rich shade of red that pops over the black backdrop.
A group based out of San Diego California, members Alex Gonzales, Bidi Cobra and Daniel Corrales craft the ideal club vibe through their lush, eerie offerings. Capturing a distinctive grit, their highly captivating music focuses on themes of agony, fear and uncovering a light within the gloom.
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