Marcus Wood’s unleashes “Repose Tactics” off his upcoming debut album [Video]
Dublin producer Marcus Woods has been bubbling up to the surface of the thriving Irish music scene for a couple of years now. He is now back on the grind better than ever with the release of “Repose Tactics” —the first single of his upcoming debut album Self Portrait.
After years of releasing singles and projects, the Burner Records co-founder had taken a 16-month break to work on this debut record. Releasing music under pseudonym Mt. Fuji, as part of the m_ovements collective, and the collaborative Global Warming project with Irish hip-hop OG Rebel Phoenix, we finally get to see the first true solo project from the young prodigy.
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“Repose Tactics” finds Woods right in his pocket. Shimmering and glistening pads that are juxtaposed with incredible sub-heavy 808 patterns. The sound itself is almost blinding in its high-end glamour. The use of static percussion sounds and implementation of crowd noise really envelopes the listener into a glitchy, textured world. This track is true odyssey. The visual is also a thing of beauty and directed by the wonderful Colm Cahalane. A perfect selection of visuals to accompany the trippy audio on offer from Woods.
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Woods has some more tracks and content to drop off before the album officially drops on August 28th. Keep your eyes peeled for Marcus Woods in the coming weeks, as Self Portrait is sure to be a monumental summer release.
Connect with Marcus Woods: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram