Manuel Aspidi Releases Breathtaking Visuals For The “Last Call” For The Earth, Written By Phil Palmer (Dire Straits)

Italian artist Manuel Aspidi just released his latest song and music video, “Last Call,” a breathtaking visual experience paired with a gorgeous song. Premiered on June 5, which was also marking the World Environment Day, “Last Call” was imagined by Aspidi in partnership with the WWF Italy, and all proceeds from the song’s sales will be donated to WWF Italy. Manuel Aspidi started singing at the age of 6 years old, and has won multiple competitions and awards as a teenager. He was chosen to be the first dramatic tenor for Maestro Prziosi, who is the interpreter of countless works including La Nona, Madame Butterfly, Carmina Burana, Vivaldi’s. 

The jaw dropping and sometimes shocking imagery portrayed on-screen of the earth suffering in various ways from human activity will undeniably touch viewers to the core, and help societies change towards less destruction of the planet. 

Phil Palmer from the legendary band Dire Straits and Julian Hinton, the renowned British author, arranger, and producer, are the collaborators behind Aspidi’s inspiring project, and after listening and watching “Last Call” we are more than excited to see what Manuel Aspidi is preparing for us next!