Los Retros basks in the warm summer sun in “Sweet Honey” [Video]
Mauri Tapia, under Los Retros, makes music that explores the idea of time. In his 2019 EP Retrospect, Tapia introduced us to his to ’70s-inspired vibrant pop/rock sound. Now, in his new EP Everlasting, he proves that this psychedelic sound is not a sound of the past, but will live on forever as it continues to inspire artists and their work, himself included.
Los Retros’ demo of “Sweet Honey” last year featured more of a spacey, mellow sound. Now, Tapia has pumped up the volume with this official version, adding to it both lyrically and instrumentally. The enhanced heavy bass and bright, vigorous keys contrast each other, creating a pleasant combination of serenity and vigor. It amplifies Tapia’s desire to make his love see how cool things would be if they were together, especially when he drags out notes, “It could be trueee; it could be youuu.”
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The complementary video for the song captures the chill essence of his sound. He runs through the tall, yellow grass and lies upon his roof. Even through the screen, the sunlight and the breeze seem tangible. It could make one want to also lie outside on these warm summer days. The next moment, he’s playing with his band on a stage of effervescent gold, turquoise, and violet.
Listen to Los Retros’ new Everlasting EP via Stones Throw Records.
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