Leah Kate is making us feel like we could get “Used To This” [Video]
Leah Kate has been straight-up delivering pop perfection since her debut. Her new song “Used To This” is a dreamy disco-laced song about finding that perfect love.
With a throbbing bassline and retro vibes, the song transports us to another time. Leah Kate is known for writing from her heart; past relationships often inspire her songs. She isn’t afraid to open up about mistakes, but we get a glimpse of that rare healthy relationship with this song. Something that doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s pure magic. In a recent press release, she says, “When someone is finally good to you, it’s so refreshing and inspires you to be the best version of you too.”
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The accompanying 1960s-inspired video directed by Ari Nissenbaum puts you right into that mindset. From the soft filters to the mod fashion, it transports you to a dreamy world. Underneath those layers of joy and happiness, there’s a sense that this is almost an idyllic moment from the use of the vintage style and setting to the disco-undertones in the song. It’s that fantasy of running away with your lover and being impossibly happy even if it’s for one fleeting moment.
Leah Kate is an LA raised + based artist whose music is a true embodiment of her lifelong search for confidence and self-identity. She’s racked up millions of streams as an independent artist since her debut in 2018.
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Connect with Leah Kate: Instagram | Facebook | Spotify