Kelsy Karter wants you to “Stick To Your Guns” [Video]
Kelsy Karter is fearless, her new song “Stick To Your Guns” is about holding tight to your convictions and not changing yourself for any industry ideas.
The intro of this song is so delicate almost like a lullaby; then it rises into an anthemic, modern rock n’ roll sound uniquely hers. It’s the story of her life; she made her own path in an industry that only wants to change her into a carbon copy.
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If you’re familiar with Karter, you know she reached viral success by faking a Harry Styles face tattoo, but she’s always been more than that. Her music is a new breed of vintage rock with a fresh sound, the cool-girl vibes are immaculate, and she’s never changed who she is as an artist. While that stunt put her on the map, she wasn’t willing to sell her soul to be generic.
On Instagram, she talks about a moment of anxiety and asking her family for advice. They told her, “You’ve never been afraid of speaking your mind and standing up for what you believe in. And even when you’ve strayed, you’ve always found your way back to yourself. We are so proud of you for always sticking to your guns”. It feels like such a moment for her and women in music right now.
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In the accompanying video, the scene starts with Karter walking down a desolate road; her eyes fixed on the camera challenging us. While her band joins her, they also serve as reminders of the figureheads in the industry, asking her to change her hair, how she dresses, or the way she behaves. She breaks free, owning her individuality, and staying on her path.
Karter has been releasing songs independently all throughout 2019, including the viral sensation, “Harry.” She is currently in the studio working on her debut album, expected for release later this year.
Connect with Kelsy Karter: Instagram | Facebook | Spotify