Katy Perry Still Has the Pregnancy Test From When She Found Out She Was Pregnant With Her Daughter
Katy Perry has revealed that she kept the pregnancy test from when she discovered she was carrying her daughter about four years ago.
The 40-year-old pop star made the confession during an interview with UK radio broadcaster Capital FM for a game called “The Story Behind the Post.”
At the 2-minute mark, Perry talked about a Mother’s Day Instagram post from last May which featured a photo with the positive pregnancy test from when the singer discovered she was expecting her daughter, Daisy Dove. She shares the four-year-old with fiancé, Orlando Bloom, 48.
“Here is my pee stick test for when I conceived my daughter, Daisy Dove Bloom,” Perry said. “I remember Orlando was gone and I called him. I FaceTimed him while I was on a hike and I was like, ‘Guess what?’”
“And I still have it,” Perry said of the pregnancy test. “And that’s weird, but it’s not. I don’t care.”
When asked by an off-camera producer about the stick’s whereabouts, Perry quipped, “Oh, I don’t know. It’s in a drawer with lots of things.”
“You know what else is in a drawer?” she added. “It’s probably right next to Orlando’s Legolas ears [from Lord of the Rings], just like all the most important things.”