Joya Mooi is the opposite of a “Good Girl” [Video]
Amsterdam-based singer Joya Mooi shares the video for her single “Good Girl” ahead of her upcoming EP. The track serves as the unapologetic antithesis to the social construct of what a good girl should be.
Produced by her frequent collaborator Blazehoven, the track is a nice fusion of R&B and soul with a whole lot of hip-hop bounce that perfectly fits Mooi’s bright vocals. Fully in her element, she goes against the grain and questions the so-called gender norms and conformity that has stifled her expression. Lines like “…Lines were crossed a hundred times, They brought us in, Put a tag on the ride/ it takes a toll you know!…” voices the concern on the unnecessary pressures placed on gender.
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For the video, she teams up with 33Bound-affiliated, Brixton-bred Natalie Wilson. The visual is very colorful and vibrant with the showing of female independence and self-empowerment. It follows Mooi and her girl gang playing basketball and just hanging out like the rest of us on the block.
Listen to “Good Girl” on all platforms here.
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Connect with Joya Mooi : Website | Facebook | Spotify | Instagram