Jenny Lewis and Serengeti Drop Latest Quarantine Collaboration, ‘GLTR’
Jenny Lewis and Serengeti have released another new song, “GLTR,” from their ongoing quarantine collaboration series.
“GLTR” is centered around a thick bass line and gets built out with dreamy synths and increasingly dance-y drums. In a sing-song verse, Serengeti muses about social media engagement — “How’s your Instagram these days?/Did you get a lot of action when you had braids?/Looked good on that beach that time by the maze” — while Lewis croons on the hook, “If I die, oh lord/If I die, leave some glitter on my eye.”
In a statement, Serengeti called “GLTR” a “nice song about getting out of your head and having a time. Getting out a little bit. Getting out of bed and enjoying some things. Maybe putting down the phone for a sec.”
“GLTR” also arrives with another phone-shot music video, which Lewis directed and edited. Much of the video was filmed at the Hendersonville Memory Gardens, where Johnny Cash is buried.
“GLTR” marks the fourth song Lewis and Serengeti have released together. The pair began trading beats and vocals last spring, and released their first song together, “Unblu,” in December. The pair followed that with “Vroom Vroom” in January and “Idiot” in March.
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Lewis described how her and Serengeti’s remote creative process has influenced the sound of their work together: “This year is when people have learned how to do stuff technically because they have to. I think it’s really informed the kind of art people are making. In some ways, it’s more lo-fi, but it’s also more intimate.”