‘Jeen-Yuhs’: Netflix Shares New Trailer for Very Humble Kanye West Doc Trilogy

Two weeks before the streaming premiere of Jeen-Yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy, Netflix has shared the latest trailer for the in-depth, decades-spanning documentary about the rapper.

“Act 1” of the three-part series arrives Feb. 16, and the two-minute preview covers much of the ground that will feature in the debut episode, namely West’s gradual ascent from eager Chicago beatmaker to a bonafide rapper in his own right. The trailer also hints at the stardom that was soon to follow, as well as West’s own belief that his career was preordained by God.

Following its Sundance premiere, Jeen-Yuhs comes to Netflix without the last-minute meddling of West, who gave a surprise demand that filmmakers Coodie and Chike reopen the editing room to him.

However, soon after, West seemingly forgot about the request, as Coodie told Rolling Stone. “I asked him, ‘Did he watch the film?’ And he said, ‘I have a process,’” Coodie said. “I said, ‘That’s great that you got your process.’ And we just talked as brothers from that point.”