Jean Dawson Releases Infectious New Single “CLEAR BONES”
Continuing his streak of hard-hitting singles in 2020, Los Angeles-via-Tijuana artist Jean Dawson is back with another offering. “CLEAR BONES” is a garage rock anthem with pop undertones, although it defies any strict genre classification. The single boasts Dawson’s signature hazy, unapologetic vocals layered over a compelling bassline and an infectious guitar riff.
“CLEAR BONES” embraces the question of “what if” that lingers in the background of every decision. Lines like “Mr. Reaper, I see you watching me,” describe the nagging feeling of living on borrowed time.
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The accompanying visual, directed by frequent collaborator Zachary Bailey, captures the strange limbo of a summer in quarantine. The video features the rising musician performing in a crowded garage and in open fields with his band. What makes Dawson so appealing to his Gen-Z listeners is his ability to walk the line between imagination and reality. His voice, grounded by the backbeat, drifts seamlessly between clips of punching bags hanging from the sky, aliens, and exploding cell towers.
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“CLEAR BONES” arrives as the first glimpse at Dawson’s upcoming debut album PIXEL BATH.
Connect with Jean Dawson: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Spotify