Indie-pop band Milk. releases video for new track “Treat Me”
Dublin indie-pop band Milk. have released their highly anticipated new EP 1 as well as a heartwarming video montage, which gives us insight on the band’s life on and off-stage.
The video has an old Super 8 film look, which contrasts well with Milk.’s modern electronic sound. The video reels out footage from past shows and highlights the band’s already growing success. It’s clear they’ve been preparing for this moment and now, their time practicing, recording, playing gigs, and exploring cities are paying off.
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“Treat Me” starts out with small, cosmic beeps, gradually rising in speed and sound until the energetic keyboard and guitars drive the catchy melody. With verses building the tone with singled-out, zealous guitar strums, one can’t help but sing along when vocalist Mark McKenna unleashes in the chorus.
The remaining of Milk.’s EP 1 features other sounds of drawn-out piano, highs and lows of various electronic sounds, electric and acoustic guitars. Across the full 6-track EP, Milk. masterfully captures the feelings of excitement, doubt, desire, and hostility found in young relationships.
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Catch their long-awaited EP 1 here.
Connect with Milk.: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify