Hojean releases R&B ballad “Hookup Culture” [Video]
R&B artist Hojean is two songs into 2020 and already making noise. The young singer produces and writes all of his music; his first single of the year, “Over 85,” and his latest offering, “Hookup Culture,” are no exception.
Backed by an acoustic guitar, glossy synths, and light drums, “Hookup Culture” is Hojean opening up about societal pressures and standards while he reflects on a relationship. He successfully crafts a song that is deeply personal, but that listeners around the world can look to as a relatable attitude towards common pressures. “Hookup Culture” carries melodies reminiscent of early 2000s R&B ballads, but Hojean’s smooth vocals and specific lyrics are uniquely 2020 and undeniably authentic. Released with the song, the video sees Hojean and his guitar (that he bought from Goodwill) throughout a city, giving no question as to his comfortability with his instrument. It’s reassuring of the connection that Hojean has with his music.
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The rising artist is doing it all himself, but still making songs that feel like they are built for the biggest stages. Press play on the video for “Hookup Culture” up above.
Connect with Hojean: Twitter | Instagram
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