Hannah Georgas shares new single “Just a Phase” [Video]
Toronto-based singer-songwriter Hannah Georgas is back with a new release “Just A Phase” off her upcoming album titled All That Emotion, slated for release September 4th. In keeping with the subtle groove and inviting warmth of lead single “Dreams,” Georgas’ new release offers her signature rich vocal within a textured and inviting instrumental.
“Just a Phase” walks the line between introspective calm and uplifting vibrancy. Soft drums provide momentum to the rhythm while gentle guitar lines and warm synths weave around Georgas’ melodic vocal performance. The subtle swells of the instrumental mirror the themes of change and resiliency found in the lyrics, creating a track that feels cohesive and buoyant.
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The accompanying music video provides an insider’s view of Georgas’ recording sessions with The National’s Aaron Dessner at his iconic Long Pond studio. Additionally, tour footage from the year Georgas spent on the road singing in The National’s touring band and clips of plane rides and long drives fill out the warm and nostalgic travelogue.
Catch All That Emotion out September 4th via Brassland and Arts & Crafts. Available for preorder here.
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Connect with Hannah Georgas: Instagram | Facebook | Spotify | Twitter