HANiF The Barber and Tope level up with “LLC”
HANiF The Barber (formerly known as Luck-One) and producer/rapper TOPE share the first visual for the single “LLC” taken from their new collaborative EP No Clout. The TOPE and Anthony Danza produced track explore HANif’s business acumen and mode of operation. Over the smooth bouncy summer-tinged backdrop, HANiF embodies the indie approach to the fullest and is ready to take his game to the next level as he leaves behind the dead weight and negative elements.
“LLC” is directed by Bausik Films and features both acts doing their thing in front of HANiF’s 100% independently owned Black Barbershop, “Tonsor” located in downtown Vancouver, WA. It’s nothing serious and you can tell both artists are just having fun with the music while keeping an eagle eye on their respective businesses. “LLC” is taken from their joint EP No Clout, which is only strictly available on Bandcamp instead of Apple Music or Spotify, so they could keep a higher percentage of their sales.
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Get the EP on Bandcamp here and visit the barbershop Tonsor here.
Connect with HANiF THE BARBER: Twitter
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Connect with TOPE: Soundcloud | Twitter | Spotify