girl in red ventures through a dark forest of emotion with “rue” [Video]
Norwegian artist Marie Ulven, a.k.a. girl in red, is quickly becoming one of the main faces of indie-pop. In just the last couple of years, she’s gained a following of over five million Spotify monthly listeners and more than one hundred million streams on her hit “we fell in love in october.” Now, the rising star is back with her second single of 2020, “rue.”
Different from her other songs, “rue” features dark, mysterious undertones delivered through deep synths and vague echoes in the distance. An overwhelming swell of emotional aching is portrayed through her unique raspy vocals. A seasoned vocal performance if shown from the promising young artist as the chorus and instrumentation slowly build, her vocals never lose control over the pace and emotion of the track. As the track closes, she gently whispers a yelp of vulnerability only adding a deeper layer of intimacy to the overall performance.
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The accompanying music video features Ulven frantically navigating through a darkened forest of emotions. If the title of the song wasn’t enough, there’s an allusion to the HBO show Euphoria as Ulven sports the same burgundy hoodie that Zendaya’s character wears throughout the show.
Keep an ear out for when news comes about the release of her debut album.
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