Genesis Elijah wants to “Cancel” 2020 [Video]
Brixton born emcee and producer Genesis Elijah‘s notions about 2020 can be seconded by many as we all agree this past year’s been pretty underwhelming and that’s being modest On his new song “Cancel,” Elijah does more than reflect on the current state of affairs but also shares his unfiltered thoughts about everything from Covid19, corporate policies, and a complete change in lifestyle for everyone.
The track’s production is sparse in terms of the grime styled arrangement. The ominous synths and leads play more of a prominent role and lend their strengths to Elijah’s gloomy lyrics. He likens the situation to something out of a zombie apocalypse. The streets are bare, shelves are near empty and everyone is wearing face masks, Elijah ponders as he delivers his verses with a splash of tongue-in-cheek and a dash of seriousness. He even bears his hairline frustrations with lines like “…My shape up is looking mash/Cos’ I ain’t seen my barber since fucking March…”
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The video is a hilarious take on all our current situations as it pretty much sums up what everyone who has been on lockdown has to put up with. The entire video was shot in his apartment and all I can say is, I totally empathize with him and yes, 2020 we are done with it.
Get “Cancel” on Deezer, Spotify, and Apple Music.
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