Fousheé offers solace when going off the “Deep End” [Video]
After her voice was sampled and went viral on TikTok, Fousheé fought to get credit and was finally able to properly debut her song “Deep End.” Rapper Sleepy Hallow had used her voice, initially without credit, for his “Deep End Freestyle” and it’s obvious why he chose the sample. The genius fusion of organic guitar melodies, hushed vocals, and Fousheé’s style of poetic lyrical rap is captivating and has naturally blown up since it’s now been shared in full. Filled with strength and honesty, “Deep End” is meant to represent the fight and struggle one goes through to get what’s deserved. In the case of Fousheé, she’s gotten proper recognition for her music and her efforts paid off.
“Deep End” tells the story of what happened to the LA-based Fousheé with lyrics like, “Got the short end of sticks, so we made fire with it.” Coming at a time where a lot of people are “trying not to go off the deep end,” the chilled out confidence that Fousheé emits should be an inspiration to all. Not everything comes easy, but one thing is certain, “Shawty gon get that paper, pay her.” Keep an eye out for more new music from Fousheé, and an album is coming soon from the rising artist.
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Connect with Fousheé: Spotify | SoundCloud | Instagram | TikTok | Twitter