Fionn gets high on “Modern Medication” in new single [Video]
It’s interesting to think of how Gen Z in their youth will be perceived in the history books. It’s an obvious statement to say 2020 will be a heavy chapter, hopefully filled with change-makers and positive societal shifts. But the several years preceding include a youth that are encouraged to only portray the spotless version of themselves. Vancouver duo Fionn’s new single “Modern Medication” is an analytical take of this lifestyle, the expectations that hover around it, and the facade those expectations create.
Growing up as a Generation Z, social media governs your everyday routine. It’s just always been around if you were born in the late 90s or early 2000s. So says Fionn, who write specifically that social media “affected the mentality of our generation.”
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In the track’s music video, the twins dance in shining outfits, posing and “living for the blue light.” The track is a blunt and clear analysis of what our society currently still values – the flawless online moment presenting the next big thing. The video shows the rush of living for the picture-perfect, but ultimately, it’s a critique on the weight we place on the importance of editing for the self we want, rather than the one we are. Within the lyrics there is a longing for a life without senses “overwhelmed by constant entertainment and pictures.” Melded with an addictive rising chorus built on genetically complimenting harmonies, all elements culminate for a truly timely pop track.
Fionn’s EP Everyone’s A Critic releases on July 17.
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Connect with Fionn: Spotify | Instagram | Twitter