FINE. shares the title track of her forthcoming debut EP, “Coldblooded” [Video]

Since her debut in Spring of 2019, burgeoning alt-pop newcomer FINE. has captivated her ever-expanding international fanbase with one mesmeric track after another from her home base in a small town in West Germany. With “Coldblooded,” she embarks on a new chapter in both her career and sound.

Typically working within the bounds of minimal pop, the first taste of her debut EP sees her embrace the naturally melancholic character of her voice by leaning into the darker shades of both pop and her creative pallette.

Speaking to the lyricism and how it’s brought to life visually in an email statement, she explains that, “Coldblooded is a song about some toxic masculinity bringing the protagonist nothing more than ruined relationships. The chorus itself takes place in a traumatised accident situation of two human beings which stands metaphorically for the moment where it all falls apart. The character fucks it all up every single time as there is too much of his arrogance and vanity to see it coming.”

Harmonising in the space between electronic and analogue, the production maintains her trademark minimalism, granting acres of space for her softly delivered yet potently enchanting vocal. Driven mostly by snappy drums and an addictive guitar riff, the predominant focus is on her melodious storytelling, until the track reaches it’s emotive crescendo. “Coldblooded” then unfurls into a frenzied instrumental passage driven by dizzying synths that brings the track to a rapturous close and leaves you reaching for the replay button.

“Coldblooded” is available now via MIGHTKILLYA.

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