EZI kindles nostalgia on home grown DIY video for “Not Going Down”
There’s something heartwarming about DIY home videos, inciting a nostalgic feeling and honestly a human feeling of connection. That’s what Los Angeles-based artist EZI has done on her latest homegrown treat “Not Going Down”. Inspired by the global effects of Covid-19, her new indie bop and video for the “Not Going Down” was done all DIY and featuring fans and friends across the world. Ezi strives to connect with her fans through the raw and real authenticity and relatability of our time spent at home. It’s a charming creation of a community that offers momentary relief from turbulent times, all the while setting the stage for EZI’s forthcoming sophomore EP, due out summer 2020.
“Not Going Down” is a stripped-back, indie-pop track, that opens up with the classic cell phone ring and some, one-on-one girl time. Leading gently into a guitar backed production with Ezi’s soft vocal work and autotuned manipulations. Lyrically she touches upon the music industry and moves past what feels like being an underdog, making the track relatable for independent and indie artists worldwide. During these times artist were hit hard. Without so much help during this time off, she took the work into her own hands and made this video alongside collaborator Katia Tempkin. When speaking with us over email, Ezi shared, “I wrote, recorded, and produced this song all on my own. This is the first song I’ve ever produced or made from home in this way. I’d say sonically it’s rawer and stripped back from anything I’ve ever put out. I wanted to show that side of myself with this song and project since it is all homemade.”
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“Not Going Down” was conceptualized as a result of the pandemic but overall it’s really a song about feeling like the underdog. Ezi goes on to share, “I’ve often felt like an underdog in the music industry as I’ve always been independent and DIY in my approach to my creativity. With the onset of this pandemic, it’s made me feel that even harder. I hope this song reminds anyone feeling that way to keep their head up and fighting the good fight even now when times are tough.” Watch, listen and get to know Ezi here.
Connect with EZI: Spotify