Dream Nails release single “Jillian” ahead of upcoming album
London punks Dream Nails cut their teeth in the DIY scene, toured the UK and Europe with Cherry Glazer and Anti-Flag and played Glastonbury three consecutive times all before releasing their debut LP. With the announcement of their self-titled album slated for release August 28th, Dream Nails have shared their latest single, “Jillian” a song about body positivity, queerness and the problematic TV fitness coach Jillian Michaels.
“Jillian” opens with a driving bass line and energetic drums that complement the sing-a-long worthy gang vocals. Surfy guitar riffs drench the song in good vibes. Catch-phrases from Jillian Michaels’ “30 Day Shred” home workout DVD are transformed into humorous lyrics, and ultimately “this is a song about realizing you’re queer while you’re doing a workout DVD,” explains singer Janey Starling.
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Inspired by the home workout, the visual for ‘Jillian’ captures people performing aerobic exercises from their living rooms. Brightly coloured headbands, leotards, dumbells and resistance bands are all featured in this lighthearted Quarantine-era video. “Jillian” is a track that’s undeniably fun, and highlights the power and joy in body positivity.
Dream Nails’ self-titled LP is out August 28th and is available for preorder here.
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