DJ Spinall and Kranium team up for “Everytime” [Video]
Nigerian Afropop pioneer DJ Spinall unleashes the colorful visuals for his new single “Everytime.” The Afropop/dancehall infused party record sees him working with dancehall singer Kranium who brings his contemporary take on the genre to the forefront.
DJ Spinall cooks up a spicy beat rife with rumbling African drum percussions, ethereal pads, and a warm bassline to match Kranium’s sultry melodies. Kranium of course comes out swinging as his vocals switch between English and Jamaican patois as he confidently carries the record in an effortless manner.
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The duo team up with director Dalia Dias who helps capture their individual demeanor and bright energies. The visuals are colorful and packed with eye-popping motifs alongside statement fashion pieces worn by the cast. The sensual aspects are not left alone as we also get to watch the silky moves of sequin draped dancers while Kranium and DJ Spinall take center stage and do their thing.
Get “Every time” on all DSPs here.
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Connect with DJ Spinall: Instagram | Twitter
Connect with KRANIUM: Instagram | Twitter