Dax and Tech N9ne aim to show us who is “Faster” [Video]
Underground emcee Dax teams up with his label boss Tech N9ne for this anthemic collaboration titled “Faster.”
As the title suggests, “Faster” treats us to verbal ratatat contest between the two over a heavy energetic backdrop courtesy of producer LexNour Beats. Dax opens up with the track with a gripping announcement “Stand up…we must fight” and continues to tear the track frame by frame with multis and rapid delivery. Regardless of what speed he chooses, he still maintains his eloquence. Tech N9ne touts his OG status on the second verse, with a myriad of ever-changing successive couplets.
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The video was done by Randy Chriz who goes for the fusion of animation/video game style. The animated visual is beyond refreshing. The illustrations are particularly striking and highly detailed and although the movement feels more like a video game it doesn’t lessen the high fidelity of the visuals one bit. Stream “Faster” on all platforms here.
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