David Crosby Answers Your Questions on Parenting, Joe Biden, and Fearing Death
It’s a new year and we have a new president, but one thing that hasn’t changed is that David Crosby is still fielding advice questions from readers — no topic off-limits.
“When Rolling Stone asked me to do an advice column, I thought they were crazy,” he says in our newest Ask Croz video. “Who would ask me for advice? They said, ‘That’s why it’s funny.’ So here we go again.”
In this latest round, Croz responds to a 16-year-old who smokes weed every day and is beginning to experiment with harder drugs. “I don’t think smoking weed every day is a bad thing,” Crosby tells him. “I think you need to have a life and not just smoke weed. Other drugs? Man, don’t do it. Take it from me. Don’t do any of the other ones: Coke, heroin, speed, particularly, do not go anywhere near them. They’re killers and they’ll kill you.”
Croz also responds to a liberal who is skeptical that Joe Biden can bring about real change, a mom who is terrified to send her kids off to college after years of home-schooling, and an environmentalist who fears climate change has already gone beyond the point of no return.
“A lot of us have that fear,” he said in response to the latter topic. “A lot of us fear that we’ve been unable to address climate change. We’ve been dealing with Donald Trump, who doesn’t believe in it. We may have crossed the line and we may not be able to do anything about it. If that’s the case, then when it gets to our great-grandchildren, they probably won’t have a place to live and the human race will die out. I think we can do better than that.”
If you have a question for David Crosby, e-mail it to [email protected]. You can also tweet it out with the hashtag #AskCroz. And remember, no topic is too weird or outlandish. This is a man that has seen it all, done it all, and lived to tell the tale. Learn from his wisdom.