Community Arts Project: LA brings collaboration to the forefront with “Soup” [Video]
During these hard times we all are facing due to COVID-19, more than ever we are looking for outlets to channel our thoughts and emotions. Community Arts Project: LA was created by Allee Futterer as a way for creatives from all over the world to come together and create extraordinary collaborations. Each song is written and recorded distantly by five musicians who are all successful in their own right.
The new visuals for their transformative song “Soup”, features buzzing, eclectic soundscapes and warm, wistful vocals, instantly transporting you to another place. The breezy beach visuals pair seamlessly with the song’s relaxed sound. The single is a partnership between Space People, Jessie Payo, Luego, Donut Boy and figuifigs who all collaborated remotely to create this artistic vision.
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Community Arts Project: LA was created by Futterer a bassist, writer and producer who performs with acts such as Mayer Hawthorne, Donna Missal and Kiesza. Dismayed by the numerous tour cancellations, Futterer established a writing camp where artists of all different genres and styles can work together to create something fresh and collaborative. She reveals, “I wanted to give people an outlet to be fully creative and express their emotions in a collaborative way without actually creating in the same room. I have no idea what to expect, which is the fun part. I drew names out of a hat to figure out who went on which team — everybody is into very different kinds of music so I’m really excited to hear the tunes.” “Soup” is the latest offering of 14 songs already released from the collective with more on the way. Each differing stylistically, Community Arts Project: LA is representative of just how diverse the music industry can be.
Check out the laid-back, west coast vibes “Soup” now.
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