Chikaya gets creative with “HNY” [Video]
Chikaya is an artist who can’t be boxed in. She enjoys creative freedom and taps into any genre she’s inspired by. The Bristol-based singer has released an experimental single with a creative video to match it. Some songs have deep lyrical meanings while others (like her latest) simply exist to create a mood for listeners. Her new single, “HNY” is a playful tune that teases listeners to “let it go” and have fun. The music video features clips of the singer dancing in front of a colorful green screen backdrop. Random clips of cartoon characters can also be seen in the video.
According to Chikaya, “HNY” isn’t a serious song it’s just an experimental tune that’s fun to listen to. “I felt like being more experimental, and working on the kind of song I’d enjoy turning up to with my mates,” she says, describing the song. “I messed around with auto tune and wrote something playful that shows another side to me which was fun to explore.”
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In many of her songs, the English singer showcases her futuristic sound and bends genres to create exciting tunes. Chikaya started recording vocals on her phone in her bedroom. What started out as an experiment with various genres led to her self-cultivated “Cosmic” sound.
Connect with Chikaya: Twitter | Instagram