Boski delivers his relatable new video for “WatsUrSign”
We live in a generation that, frankly, isn’t all that good with communication. Ironically, the age group that is responsible for revolutionizing how we speak to each other, largely has no idea how to express their feelings face to face. This has spawned the notion of Ghosting, otherwise known as falling off of the face of the Earth as opposed to communicating how you feel. Exploring this notion in full, rising Tennessee artist, Boski drops off his engaging new video for, “WatsUrSign.”
Directed by, Nathan Chin, the video is easily one of the weirdest I’ve seen in the last few months. Donned in what looks like a ‘Sailor Moon’ outfit, the visuals find Boski out of his wits and slurring through the song. Surrounded by a legion of equally weird people in birthday party hats, we’re also met with sex dolls, awkward arguments and much more.
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Though the video is definitely one to dissect, the record is where Boski truly shines. Showcasing an incredible knack for melodic progression, he combines those talents with an equally-as-impressive songwriting abilities. “Now that you’re a senior, majoring in ghosting, you could probably get a stripping internship or something. Crippling anxiety, building up so silently, maybe you should try out this new thing they call sobriety,” croons Boski as he rounds out the song. With such a poignant and direct message like that, it’s no wonder his music is starting to strike a chord.
Check out the video above and get familiar with Boski, who’s debut project, Greatest Hits, drops September 15th.
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Listen to Boski on Apple Music // Spotify // Tidal
Connect with Boski on Twitter // Instagram