Bones Owens passes the time while waiting for a “Lightning Strike” in an impressive one-man show [Video]
There is something to be said for unbridled confidence. Nashville’s Bones Owens has it in spades—even in the most unexpected places. As an alternative country artist, he boasts of the usual vocal swagger, but in his latest single, “Lightning Strike”, he unleashes its full potential. The product of which is proudly showcased in the long-awaited music video, released today ahead of his debut album.
Relegated to playing all ten characters on his own due to quarantine restrictions, he still manages to give each one his own signature flavour. There is nothing stale about the roadside motel scene, either, as his solo performance manages to make the almost obligatory singing in an empty dance hall seem fresh and personal.
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Perhaps one of the most distinguished effects of “Lightning Strike” is its sassy guitar riff, taking the lead without an ounce of hesitation. As a session and touring guitarist, Owens has contributed to several live and studio performances of other artists (most notably Mikky Ekko, Yelawolf, and Carrie Underwood), but when given the chance to strum for himself, he makes it clear who the strings belong to. There is a coy playfulness to the rhythm of the track, left like a trail of breadcrumbs leading you toward a path of innocent debauchery. Though he dresses up “Lightning Strike” as an anthem for the down-on-their luck types, it can morph seamlessly into whatever you want it to be—a twisted love song, a long drive sing-along, or even a simple quarantine distraction. But in true Owens fashion—however you choose to label it—the one thing it will never do is go out of style.
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