Big Narstie and Devlin look upon their “Legacy”
“Legacy” is the newest release from Big Narstie who teams up for the first time with Grime veteran Devlin. The aptly titled song sheds light on the illustrious paths of these two emcees who have carved their niche in the industry. Big Narstie is as charismatic as ever but he tones down the funny frequency on this insightful track and delivers a heartfelt verse about his struggles and ascension from the ground up. Devlin is sharper than ever and pours his hopes and fears over the haunting backdrop with lines like “…so we can leave the past behind when new horizons come/But shit will change your frame of mind and make you minus one...”
The visuals stick to classic Grime aesthetics of the grit with no glamor. It’s just two men who made it out the ends unscathed while relating their story for us to feel and maybe learn from. Although the duo’s paths have always remained close as they rose to success through the late ’00s, this collaboration sure brings everything full circle for these grime lords.
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Get it on Apple Music // Deezer
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Connect with Big Narstie: Website | Facebook | Youtube| Twitter | Instagram
Connect with Devlin: Instagram | Twitter