Beyond The Sun takes us on a night out with “Let’s Do It All Tonight” [Video]
Beyond The Sun’s new feel-good song “Let’s Do It All Tonight” is the escape we all wish we could have right now.
Starting with shimmering guitars, and light melodies, they build into a sun-drenched chorus. The lyrics remind us of working a 9-5 and that sweet moment when you’re about to head out, dressed up, on your way to meet your friends. It’s bottled youth, being carefree, not worried about the next day.
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The song is inspired by the band’s favorite memories, from crowded nights on Broadway in Nashville to backyard parties. Even the last part of the song is the street noise of a crowd of people, on their way home from a wild night. It feels odd to romanticize something so casual that we took for granted, but this is the summer anthem for smaller groups and a new way of life. It’s about keeping it positive and celebrating the little wins, finding the light in each situation.
The accompanying vertical video is like an Instagram story of your best night out. They’re showing off boat trips, brunches, skylines, and friends. It’s a sweet homage to the band’s life before lockdown and a perfect way to represent the modern music video. It’s a close-up, personal look at each little moment in their lives.
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Beyond The Sun started off playing concerts for their parents, a decade later, they’ve now experienced hearing themselves on the radio and playing for sold-out crowds. Following the release of Shuffle, Pt. 1 last fall, they’re now rolling out the follow-up album Shuffle, Pt. 2.
Connect with Beyond The Sun: Instagram | Facebook | Spotify