BERWYN bares his soul in new single “TRAP PHONE” [Video]
BERWYN first turned heads when he featured four separate times on Richard Russell‘s sophomore album, FRIDAY FOREVER. Following his Everything is Recorded appearance — and with Russell’s cosign — the Trinidad-born, London-bred artist officially debuted in early 2020 with the single “GLORY.”
Now, BERWYN is back with a new release, titled “TRAP PHONE.” The track marks the second single from the rising multi-instrumentalist.
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“TRAP PHONE” sees BERWYN lay his soul bare, his heavy rasp lucid and laden with emotion. With a gentle fondness, he sings, “You used to call me on my trap phone / this love deeper than wishing wells / I know you only called to wish me well.” On the poignant track, BERWYN coasts steadily between the beautifully sung chorus and compelling rap verses, never missing a beat. Echoing vocal harmonies and piano embellishments lay the sonic groundwork over which his vocal delivery shines.
The accompanying visual, bathed in blue and red hues, gracefully underscores the honest forlorn that characterizes “TRAP PHONE.” The video was directed by frequent collaborator Brock Neal-Roberts, who also directed the “GLORY” video.
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In BERWYN’s own words, “‘TRAP PHONE’ is a love song between two individuals. One inside the bubble and one outside of it. The trap phone is the only point of contact between the two.”
Connect with BERWYN: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube