Baker Grace releases dark, sultry pop anthem “Bottle of Wine” [Video]
Baker Grace is a 19-year-old singer/songwriter pop artist has not only recently announced the release of her sophomore EP Yourz Truly, but Grace has also dropped this moody inspired, beat-anthem, “Bottle Of Wine.”
Working in collaboration with Gianennio Salucci (Zella Day, XYLO) on the video, Grace depicts herself in different rooms of her apartment, as she searches for connection. Finally, a hand reaches through the fluorescent lit computer screen.
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Sonically, Grace’s “Bottle of Wine” showcases essences of reggae influenced grooves and beats, with the song additionally offering a flow to it that guides the listener on a story about the delicacy of the ego. Which Grace’s lyrics showcases and telling how quickly our thoughts can turn negative to see the worst in ourselves and others when we experience an absence of comfort and love.
Grace’s “Bottle of Wine” is an enticing track that not only showcases Grace’s vocals in a minimal lyrical, but also allows enough time for the story to flow visually without taking away what the single is actually about.
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