Australian artist tyDi drops anthemic single “New Normal” feat Bella Renee
Australian songwriter, composer, record producer and DJ tyDi – aka Tyson Illingworth – has dropped powerful new offering “New Normal,” featuring vocalist Bella Renee.
Channeling his signature authenticity, the track is a slice of indie-dance pop heaven which carefully balances an infectious soundscape with expertly contrasting down-to-earth narrative arc. Delving into the exhausting toll that COVID-19 and lockdown has had on him as an artist and person.
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Aptly named “New Normal,” the single is a reminder that we are not alone in our feelings of loneliness and demotivation. Seamlessly blending the realm of electronic music with indie pop, tyDi weaves emotive lyricism made better by Bella Renee’s crystal clear vocals. Stocked full of melodic rhythm and topped off with an impactful drop, the track is as addictive as it is thoughtful.
The result of a weekend spent by tyDi and Bella Renee mulling over their sentiments towards the pandemic as well as the physical and mental effect it’s had on them as artists, the track uses relatable lyricism such as “I still can’t believe this is the new normal, we used to hug but now we hit elbows” to capture the current way of life where distance is the norm.
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Accompanied by a colorful music video, ”New Normal,” in tyDi’s own words is a song about itself. He delves into the frustration of being unable to do what he does best – telling stories through song. Drawing from this frustration and bursting with the prolific writer’s pent-up creative energy, this uplifting and anthemic single was born.
Speaking of the track, tyDi said, “ This song is quite literally about how hard it is to write a song in 2020, I got to ‘vent’, it felt so awesome that I ended up producing this really uplifting drop that’s probably my best this year. From the writer’s perspective it’s saying ‘I’ve hated every song I’ve done this year except this one.’”
Bella Renee added,” Having this song be my first official release on Spotify as a serious musician, I’m really honored to have it with Tyson (tyDi). The idea of writing about how hard it is to write a song is something I haven’t really heard before. But the songwriting flowed so easily and I’m just so happy with it.”
With a 15-year-old career as one of the best artists in electronic music and an extensive discography under his belt, tyDi has left a lasting mark on the music world. But with ”New Normal,” he reminds us that beneath all the accolades is a passionate songwriter who tells introspective yet expansive stories about humanity.
Connect with tyDi: Facebook | Spotify | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube
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Connect with Bella Renee: Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube