A.B Original Release New Track ‘Yes’ Ahead of Indigenous Voice Referendum
Speaking of the referendum Briggs says, “It’s important that we continue to work towards better outcomes for Blackfullas. With this referendum we stand to make a gain towards those better outcomes.
“We won’t see the big effects of a yes vote the next day, but we’re going to see it 5 years down the track. The alternative to voting yes just reinforces racism, and puts us in a worse position than where we are now.”
Trials says, “Eighty per cent of Indigenous people are on record supporting [a yes vote]. Australia still saying [no] is the very definition of why our voice must be heard.”
He continues, “A no vote sends the message that who we are as First Nations peoples and what we want, never did and still doesn’t matter.”
The release of the song coincides with a video released by Briggs, “Far Enough.”