Bun B’s Home Invader Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison After Pleading Guilty

Bun heard his wife screaming at Jackson to take the car and proceeded to grab his own weapon and head downstairs. Queenie pleaded with Bun to stay upstairs, as she felt Jackson was going to kill her, but he eventually went down to the garage and found Jackson sitting in the driver’s seat of his wife’s car.

The rapper fired several shots and hit Jackson in the shoulder. Jackson returned fire, and the two got into a fight before Bun grabbed the intruder’s mask as he fled the scene. Jackson went to a hospital for treatment of his gunshot wound, and was later caught and arrested.

“There are times when [Queenie] gets closed off,” Bun said in court footage shared to the public by Fox 26. “She can’t communicate, and I just get so angry all over again because she didn’t deserve this. She didn’t ask for this.”

Jackson was charged with two counts of aggravated robbery with a weapon and one count of burglary. He pled guilty to the charges and is now sentenced to four decades behind bars.