Cardi B Says She Won’t Vote in Presidential Election, Doesn’t ‘F*ck With’ Biden or Trump
She’s been vocal against Biden wanting the U.S. to fund Israel in its fight against Palestine, and Ukraine in its war with Russia. She described to the magazine how artists of color can be “blackballed” for sharing their opinions on Palestine.
“[America] don’t pay for endless wars for countries that have been going through shit for a very long time,” she said. “There’s countries [where] kids are getting killed every single day, but because the [U.S.] won’t benefit from that country, they won’t help. I don’t like that America has this superhero cape on. We never did things to be superheroes. We did things for our own convenience.”
Cardi voted for Biden in the last election. Back in 2020, before he won the presidency, the pair sat down for a virtual conversation, discussing COVID-19 and the pandemic, ongoing protests, and how it was important to boot Trump from the White House.