Buffalo Nichols Showcases Mournful Song ‘Lost & Lonesome’ on ‘Colbert’
Buffalo Nichols made his late-night debut on The Late Show Tuesday evening, performing “Lost & Lonesome,” off his self-titled debut album, which Fat Possum released in October 2021. Appearing solo, the Austin-based blues musician gave an intimate, emotionally-wrought performance of the song, accompanied only by his guitar.
Born in Houston but raised in Milwaukee, Nichols has drawn praise for his blues guitar prowess. Last year, Rolling Stone dubbed his single “Another Man” a Song You Need to Know, writing, “It’s one thing to revive a genre and another to resuscitate a specific type of old-school song. But on ‘Another Man,’ from his new self-titled debut, Buffalo Nichols has both goals in mind: to update the blues and the protest song in the 21st century.”
Buffalo Nichols is currently on tour in the U.S. and will perform in the U.S. and Europe throughout the spring and summer. He is scheduled to appear at Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland and Lollapalooza in July.