Crazy Little Thing Called Covid: Brian May Thanks Jab for Keeping Symptoms Mild After Positive Test
Queen’s Brian May has spent the past two days detailing his experience with Covid-19 on Instagram, telling fans his symptoms have been fairly mild thanks to his vaccinations and booster, but offering a bit of caution (and motherly wisdom) nonetheless.
“So for the sake of everyone around you, keep the caution going — masks, social distance, common sense — and only go to a gathering in an enclosed space if you are really sure the risk is worth it,” May wrote Sunday night, Dec. 19. “As my dear Mum used to say (in half-jest) — ‘Do as I say — not as I do!’
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May revealed his Covid-19 diagnosis on Saturday, Dec. 18, although at that point he’d been symptomatic for several days. In a video — which featured a bit of guitar playing as well — May explained that he thought he and his wife, Anita Dobson, contracted the virus at a birthday lunch the previous Saturday (Dec. 11). While they were hopeful they would emerge unscathed because all the attendees were vaccinated and had to show a negative test, a few days later, several people tested positive, and May and Dobson began exhibiting symptoms.
“I had two horrendous days, I have to say,” May said. “It’s really like the worst flu you can imagine. I felt very despondent. I nearly came on here to show people how pathetic I looked, but I thought: No, this is trying to cry sympathy and it would frighten people… I was pathetic, just didn’t want to talk to anyone, didn’t want to see anyone, get out of bed. Just filled with mess in my head and all the flu symptoms, and a terrible cough.”
While May said the worst of his symptoms seemed to have passed, on Sunday he showed he was still testing positive and noted some of his symptoms persisted. “[T]hat dry wheezy cough has returned today, and there is a kind of fountain of irritation on one side of my sinuses. I also keep falling asleep — not in a peaceful kind of way, but in a ‘I can’t keep my eyes open another second’ kind of way. So it’s a damn good job this happened at a time when I’m NOT crazy busy as usual.”
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Throughout his Covid posts, May has been adamant that being vaccinated and boosted has kept the virus from posing any serious threat. “I lost one of my very good friends to Covid early on, in six days it killed him,” May said. “It could’ve done me the past six days, but it didn’t because of the jabs.”
May also bemoaned those continuing to protest the vaccine and mask mandates, quipping, “Jesus Christ, guys. Our parents fought through wars and had their civil rights kind of knocked away. All anyone’s asking is for you to play your part and to try and unite against this invader, and it’s a nasty thing and it isn’t finished yet.”