50 Cent Jokingly Suggests ‘Maybe Trump Is the Answer’ in Response to NYC Mayor Adams’ Plan to Give Pre-Paid Credit Cards to Migrants
“WTF mayor Adams call my phone, I don’t understand how this works somebody explain. @arimelber can’t explain this l’m stuck maybe TRUMP is the answer,” wrote Fifty.
The pilot program from Mayor Adams’ administration will reportedly provide asylum seekers arriving at the Roosevelt Hotel with money for food and other necessities. The amount of money will be based on family size and potential income amounts, per the details of the contract. One example provided by the NY Post, says a family of four could be given nearly $1000 every month, or about $35 per day for food.
The prepaid cards will be distributed to 500 families in short-term hotel stays to start. However, the cards can only be used at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. Migrants must also apparently sign an affidavit promising to only spend their allotted funds on food and baby supplies or risk being kicked out of the program.
The program, if successful, could be expanded to all migrant families staying in hotels in the city.
Although it’s not clear if Fifty is trolling this time around, this wouldn’t be the first time he has made comments endorsing Trump for president. In October of 2020, the rapper encouraged his Instagram followers to vote for Trump because of Joe Biden’s proposed tax plan. Shortly after, Fifty said he would consider leaving the U.S. if Trump lost the election.
Despite Fifty’s past comments, comedian Chelsea Handler told the Breakfast Club that Fifty was ‘absolutely’ supporting Biden.